My boss at my company is always saying harsh things to me or being violent toward me, and I am very scared. What should I do?

• Consult with your company’s advice helpline. This behavior may be power harassment.Power harassment is when a person in a superior position to you scolds you verbally with unnecessarily harsh words or is violent toward you, making you feel so afraid that you do not want to go to work.
•If you have been subjected to power harassment at your company, make a proper written record of when, where and by whom, what kind of damage you sustained, and how it made you feel.Verbal abuse often becomes a dispute over whether or not something was said, so take an audio or video recording. Keep hold of any e-mails or letters that contain abusive language.If there has been physical violence, take photographs or be examined by a doctor and obtain a medical certificate.
• If nothing changes even after consulting your company, seek advice in English from your supervising organization or from the Native Language Consultation Center of the Organization for Technical Intern Training (OTIT) in the [List of Consulting Services].
• If you have been subjected to physical violence, you can also consult the police.
• You can also consult the Advisor for Foreign Workers Section of the Prefectural Labor Bureau.

