No matter how many times I say no, a work colleague keeps acting toward me in a sexual way, such as asking me to have dinner or to go out just the two of us, or touching me unnecessarily. What should I do?

• This behavior may be sexual harassment.
• Sexual harassment is when a person, regardless of their gender, says or does something to you that you do not like of a sexual nature.If, when a person says or does something of a sexual nature, you tell them to stop and they then start to harass you in your work, that is also sexual harassment. Consult your company’s sexual harassment advice helpline if it has one. Consult your company’s sexual harassment advice helpline if it has one.
• If it does not have such a helpline, seek advice in English from your supervising organization or from the contacts in [Seek Advice in English] below.
• If nothing changes even if you seek advice at your company, you can consult your local Prefectural Labor Bureau’s Employment Environment and Equality Department (Office). You may also be committing sexual harassment against another person without realizing it,so be careful of your own behavior.  

Seek Advice in English

Organization for Technical Intern Training (OTIT)
Native Language Consultation Center (English page) Technical intern training, life in Japan, etc.English:SOS and emergency consulting service for technical interns
   0120-250-147  (English)
 Tuesday and Thursday 11:00 – 19:00, Saturday 9:00 – 17:00
Email: support-soudan@

Consulting channel on sexual violence via social networks (SNS)
“Cure time”
Every day from 17:00 to 21:00
SNS chat consultation
Consultation details will not be leaked to other people or those close to you.

Detailed Information in Japanese

List of one-stop support centers for victims of sex crimes and sexual violence
This is a list of hotlines around Japan that provide consultations regarding sex crimes and sexual violence.
They also coordinate with OB-GYN care, counselling, and legal advice services.

