I have heard that there is something called a labor union at my company. If I get sick or injured, what kind of assistance can I receive from the labor union?

• The labor union will negotiate with the company if you become ill or injured and you are told that you have to quit the company if you cannot work. It will also respond to consultations if there are problems with the payment of your wages, or if it looks like you are about to be forced to quit, or regarding power harassment or sexual harassment.
• Anybody can join a labor union, regardless of what country they are from, what kind of religion they believe in, whether they are male or female, and any other way in which they may differ from other people.

Information in Japanese

A national network of individuals and organizations that accept requests for consultations from technical intern trainees and engage in solutions to their problems on a daily basis

Additional information

Column: Things to be Careful at the Turn of the Seasons

Japan has four distinct seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter.Around the turn of each season, the temperature and humidity can increase or decrease suddenly, which can make you more prone to getting sick, so please be careful.

Spring in Japan is a warm and comfortable season.It is the season of starting school and new lives, so it is also said that “spring is the season of new encounters.”.“Hanami,” or flower-viewing, where people enjoy eating and drinking while looking at the cherry blossoms, is held.

Summer in Japan is the hottest season of the year.
From June to mid-July, there is a period known as “tsuyu” or the rainy season. During tsuyu, rainy and muggy days continue, and there are not many fine days.Once tsuyu is over, temperatures rise suddenly, and full-scale summer arrives.All over Japan, summer festivals and fireworks festivals are held. When the heat is severe, it is very important to regular the indoor temperature with air conditioning or an electric fan, etc. and to drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.

Autumn in Japan is a very comfortable season. It is famous for the autumn colors, when the leaves of the gingko and maple trees turn red and gold.“Tsukimi,” or moon-viewing, where people decorate with susuki (Japanese pampas grass) and sweet dumplings called dango, is held.

Winter in Japan is the season when it becomes cold. From January to February, the temperature falls below freezing point in some regions, and in Hokkaido, Tohoku, and some parts of the Sea of Japan side, there are days when heavy snow falls and piles up.When it is cold, you will need to adjust your clothing, such as wearing socks and a coat.Also regulate indoor temperatures with a heater, etc.New Year is in winter, and you can see people celebrating the new year with luxurious cuisine called o-sechi.
Because it is easier to become unwell around the turn of the seasons, you should take extra care of your health and make sure to get plenty of sleep.

