I have heard that a certain infectious disease is spreading in Japan, and I am worried about going there. Where can I obtain information and plan what action to take?

Check the information at the public health office, foreign ministry, and embassy in the individual countries.
It is important to have a routine interest in news about Japan and to gather the latest information. However, because there is a lot of wrong information, first refer to information from public organizations.
Diseases that are prone to outbreaks in Japan include measles, rubella, and influenza, which can all be prevented with vaccines.
If you have any worrying symptoms, go to a clinic or hospital nearby ➡ “How to receive a medical consultation”

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What is a public health state of emergency?
As you all experienced with the COVID-19 pandemic, amid the progress of globalization, public health emergencies have become a major problem both nationally and globally.Public health emergencies can cause outbreaks of disease, natural disasters, serious injury to people, and loss of life.A certain situation will become a state of emergency when society is no longer functioning well enough to take countermeasures against the situation’s impact on health.
The following are some examples.
• Outbreaks of infectious disease; influenza pandemic, measles, avian influenza, COVID-19, etc.
• Natural disasters’ impact on health: earthquake, tsunami, flood, typhoon, etc.
• Accidents that cause many casualties: Airplane crash, train derailment, etc.
• In Japan, outbreaks (increase in the number of people infected) of measles, rubella, and influenza have been reported. When there is an outbreak, measures to prevent infection (washing hands, wearing masks, etc.) and vaccines are beneficial.
Regarding influenza, there are outbreaks every winter in Japan, so in some cases, the company may subsidize the cost of influenza vaccination.
If a public health emergency occurs, it is important to gather information from the Japanese government, local governments, news, and other sources.

