If the cost I have to pay is very high, is there a way to make it cheaper?

Yes, there is.

  1. If the amount that you pay (30%) at the clinic or hospital exceeds a certain amount (co-payment limit), after you have paid the amount, about three months later, you will be reimbursed for the “high-cost medical care expenses” (the green part in the diagram).
    The amount reimbursed will vary depending on the income level and age of the person insured.
  2. If you know beforehand that the amount that you will pay (30%) at the clinic or hospital will be very high, there is a way in which you will only have to pay your copayment limit from the beginning (the orange part in the diagram).
    You can have the green part in the diagram reduced by submitting a “High-cost Medical Care Expenses Eligibility Certificate” at the counter of the clinic or hospital.
    If you are enrolled in Employees’ Health Insurance, you can ask for this “Eligibility Certificate for Ceiling-Amount Application” at your company. If you are enrolled in National Health Insurance, you can ask for it at your local municipal office.
    *These procedures may be difficult to complete on your own, so you should consult with the hospital’s social worker or other suitable person.
    Alternatively, consult with a Japanese person or someone close to you who understands Japanese.

[List of Consulting Services]
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