I love drinking alcohol. Even if I have had a little bit to drink before driving or working, nobody can tell and I think I will be fine, but is that not good?

• Drinking alcohol before or during work is very dangerous, so please stop doing that. You will become more prone to causing harm to either yourself or the people around you, such as making mistakes when operating machinery.Alcohol can also make you feel over-confident, and you might say things that you would not ordinarily say, or make people around you feel uncomfortable, which could cause problems for you later.

• In Japan, it is prohibited by law for anyone to drink any form of alcohol before they turn 20 years of age.It is also not permitted to drive any kind of vehicle after drinking even a small amount.It is even illegal to ride a bicycle.

• It is also prohibited by law to lend a car to someone who has been drinking, to serve alcohol to someone who you know will be driving, and to enter a car being driven by someone who has been drinking.If you drive after drinking alcohol, you could lose your driver’s license or be fired by your company.

• Drinking alcohol in excess has negative impacts both physically and mentally. Be sensible around alcohol.

