I have heard about health checks. What are they for and how are they done?

• They are so that you can continue working at your company in good health.To check for early signs of the onset of a disease that you have not noticed yourself, they draw blood and do other tests.If the start of a disease can be detected early, treatment can be started early, and you will be able to continue working in Japan in good health until the end of your term.It is decided by law, so you are urged to undertake it. (Your company is required to provide these health checks.)
• If you are unable to undertake the health check, first ask your company.If you are still not sure even after asking your company, seek advice in English from your supervising organization or from the Native Language Consultation Center of the Organization for Technical Intern Training (OTIT) in the [List of Consulting Services].

Seek Advice in English

*Organization for Technical Intern Training (OTIT)
Native Language Consultation Center (English page) Native Language Consultation Center (English page) Technical intern training, life in Japan, etc.English:   0120-250-147  (English)
Tuesday and Thursday 11:00 – 19:00, Saturday 9:00 – 17:00
Email: support-soudan@ otit.go.jp

